Thursday, June 28, 2012

As we close up June..

On to happy news... we were such good tenants our landlord at the previous house is giving us the full deposit back!!
After fighting with Jeromes to get our long overdue dining room table and telling them to deliver it or refund it's coming tomorrow!! YAY

Best part of the day... wild man baby boy #2 posed for some good pics today..  22 weeks 5 days (5.5 months) and 1lb 5 ounces..
Little face

Toes!! My favorite pic to get and take for me and my patients.

Profile with his knee tucked to his nose.

Another face shot.

I was excited to snap these pictures today and share them with Keith. He still claims to Loooovvveee his baby brother and for him to be able to see these is pretty cool for me. I see babies all the time, ALL the time but when I show my kid a picture of the one growing in my belly I see a bond forming. Insert mushy kissy noises here lol.

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