Friday, May 11, 2012

The current plan for us...

So here's my shot at this blogging thing. Anyone who knows me for more than a few days knows I am type A. There's no hiding it or getting around it trust me I have tried. I will convert you if you stick to me long enough, or drive you crazy with it, ask my husband.  My claim to fame is there's always a" plan". I am not sure when I started planning or why but it always gave me something to reach for. My parents taught me early on I am sure. Now that I am married it's something we reach for. Mind you" the plan" changes all the time and can be as simple as what order I am going to get ready for work, what we are doing over the weekend or what we are reaching for in the future.
Our most recent "plan" has it's own little off shoots.
1) Buy a home and finally end the constant state of moving. CHECK. it's time to settle in and make it home for a long time. I myself have moved 15 times.. this will be 16. Most of those have been since graduating high school in '97. This move should happen in less than a month pending Escrow continues to roll smooth.  Moving has taught me to let go of things. I like order not clutter, the junk mail is just that.. JUNK get it the heck outta here! No I am not Martha Stewart organized (my inner child would like to be) because let's face it I am a working mom with a husband, a child, one on the way and 2 dogs that shed like it's no bodies business! Yes did you catch that? One on the way.. that is the off shoot of "the plan".
2) We kept this little one a secret for awhile now. Yes it was planned to the T as was Keith. I wanted a summer baby with Keith and a fall baby with # 2, low and behold end of October we are expecting baby #2. Who as of today is no longer it but is HE! We did not have the power to plan that part but we are equally thrilled that he is a he. Something about me and being a little girls mom does not seem to fit. I like to dig in the dirt, be outdoors and let's face it I swear like a trucker sometimes. I also believe that Chuck was made to be a dad to boys. While he would have been a fantastic father to a little girl he can now teach two little boys to become great men. I am not sure how he puts up with me but it takes a great man that's for sure.
Back to baby.. The secret was more for our protection as the early scans looked a little iffy and it would not be fun to come out and say "baby is coming" then have to withdraw. We have been there before and thankfully the withdraw was a small circle of close family and friends.
To answer the next most popular question is No there will be no "trying for a girl". Two is enough for us and it will not fulfill  my life to bear another child just because of gender. The baby store in this body is going out of business as soon as this one moves out. This pregnancy has been no cake walk and is not one I dare try to duplicate. Beyond that I know too much. I work in the OB field and I see the worst that can happen. I think when I was pregnant with Keith it was all so new as I was only 2 years out of school when I delivered him. Now at 6 years out of school it is just plain scary. Yes it is a miracle of life. A miracle we form, we grow, and we come out in one piece with no apparent abnormalities. I have scanned fixable flaws and devastating situations. Ones that sit with you for days even weeks. It has made me better at what I do, but a much more paranoid mother-to-be. Hence the additional time we waited to come forth with out news publicly. While I am only 4 months pregnant and things could still change we are praying this is it. In a few weeks I will undergo a detailed scan to assure this little guy is put together as best we can see and we will go from there.
10 weeks  
15 weeks 6 days, not a shy guy  
yes we are sure
as he yawned...

Finally Keith.. I wanted to share all the cute things he has been doing the last few weeks since we told him he will be a big brother..
He now dresses himself  "because he's a big brother".
He brushes his own crazy hair in the morning (wetting down the brush and all)  "because he's a big brother".
He is excited about the new house and not just because he will have a pool, yard and all the things little boys love but also  "because he's a big brother".
He will eat his dinner, practice his letters, put away his shoes and toys  "because he's a big brother".
I am positive he will be a wonderful big brother. When we didn't know what the baby was he said if it's a sister he wanted to name her Taylor Swift, after his favorite singer. He too seems happy with the news about a baby brother and is excited to share his toys, old clothes and love with a new baby.
We just couldn't be more thrilled.
One thing I failed to mention. When we were at the office looking at the baby today Keith sat beside me holding my hand while my dear friend scanned me and went through the baby. It was so sweet. He will always be my little boy. A moment I will never forget as our family now becomes 4.